A special exhibition of space science has opened at Keelung Art Museum. The exhibition features six realistic models of Taiwan-made rockets, perfect for inspiring the imagination of young visitors. Aerospace engineers from four of Taiwan’s leading universities were involved in the design of the exhibition. Keelung Cultural Affairs Bureau has also announced it has grand plans to expand the art museum and make it a key destination in the city.

Children chatter with excitement as they walk this futuristic corridor. They look around with curiosity and come upon model rockets in the main room.

In the outdoors exhibition space sit two huge blow-up dolls. The kids are delighted to meet this big, cuddly Kuroro.

Keelung Art Museum worked with four groups of Taiwanese aeronautical experts to put on this display of six model Taiwan-made rockets. The rocket work suits and films of test launches give visitors more insight into how space research is carried out.

Chiang Ting-mei
Keelung City Cultural Affairs Bureau head
This area of the art museum will become an important special art district for Keelung, where we hope to create more spaces for different types of lifestyle aesthetics. We also want to bring art out of the building and have art outdoors, too.

The special exhibition is open until the end of June. For a limited time only, there will also be six events allowing visitors to the museum a chance to learn even more about rocket science.

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