Fireflies are back at Taipei’s Da’an Forest Park. The bugs can be spotted at night every April and May, thanks to conservation efforts by the Friends of Da’an Forest Park Foundation. To celebrate the park’s 30th anniversary, Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an invited foreign diplomats to enjoy the magical twinkling sight.

Specks of light glimmer in the dark. To mark the 30th anniversary of Da’an Forest Park, Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an invited foreign diplomats to enjoy firefly watching.

Andrea Bowman
St. Vincent and the Grenadines ambassador
Taipei City is able to enjoy in this evening’s firefly festival because this city has the political will to demonstrate that it cares sufficiently for this natural environmental patrimony.

Chiang Wan-an
Taipei mayor
Fireflies have successfully returned to Da’an Park. Now Da’an Park boasts a complete ecosystem, providing a habitat not only for fireflies, but also butterflies and urban-dwelling birds.

After a decade of efforts, the Friends of Da’an Forest Park Foundation has created a safe haven for birds and butterflies. Now, once a year, the park lights up at night with aquatic ficta fireflies. Thanks to the capital’s “green lung,” locals don’t need to trek to the suburbs to see fireflies.

Member of public
It’s cool. There aren’t many places where you can see fireflies in the city.

Member of public
I haven’t seen one before, but I’ll keep a look out. Yes, it is exciting.

Fireflies have a short but bright lifespan of about 10 days. The city’s firefly festival starts May 5, but the twinkling insects can already be spotted around park bushes.

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