DPP lawmakers on Friday held inauguration ceremonies for several parliamentary friendship groups with nations all around the world. The event was attended by ambassadors and representatives to Taiwan. Among them was the ambassador of Tuvalu, who reassured lawmakers that his country’s government was committed to Taiwan. Also present was the ambassador of the Marshall Islands, who said her country would continue to voice support for Taiwan’s international participation.

Mingling with ambassadors and representatives to Taiwan is KMT Legislative Speaker Han Kuo-yu. He and many DPP lawmakers were invited to take part in the inauguration ceremony for several international parliamentary groups.

Chuang Jui-hsiung
DPP lawmaker
When the world needs help, Taiwan is there offering its strength. We hope to convey this idea through our parliamentary diplomacy work.

Before Tuvalu’s presidential election, reports had claimed that the country was considering changes to its relationship with Taiwan, and even a switch of allegiance to Beijing. On Friday, Tuvalu’s ambassador to Taiwan reaffirmed that the country would continue standing with Taipei.

Bikenibeu Peniu
Tuvalu ambassador
The government of Tuvalu is 100% confirmation that there is no China in our foreign policy. It will always be Taiwan and we have always been loyal to Taiwan. So we will always be with Taiwan.

The ambassador also said that Tuvalu and Taiwan would work together to combat Chinese disinformation.

Bikenibeu Peniu
Tuvalu ambassador
We all know what China has been doing. I was just present in the seminar yesterday by the Ministry of Justice, on the disinformation and twisting and misinformation done throughout the world by China. I think there is a genuine need for us to strengthen our friendship.

Anjanette Kattil
Marshall Islands ambassador
The Republic of the Marshall Islands remains steadfast in its support for Taiwan and will continue to voice strong support for Taiwan’s meaningful contribution and inclusion in the international community and in the United Nations.

Friends and allies from around the world voiced their support for Taiwan at the event. The parliamentary groups hope to conduct more bilateral exchanges in the future to deepen Taiwan’s ties with countries all over the world.

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