Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi directed a barrage of criticism against the U.S. and Taiwan on Thursday. Wang said U.S. sanctions against China had reached a level that was, quote, unbelievable. He also said U.S. President Joe Biden failed to make good on promises made during a meeting with Xi Jinping. As for Taiwan, Wang referred to its Jan. 13 presidential elections as a local election. Once again, he warned that anyone who supports Taiwan independence was meddling in China’s internal affairs. Meanwhile in Taiwan, President Tsai Ing-wen received a delegation of parliamentarians from Estonia. The delegation leader said that democracies like Taiwan and Estonia should band together to stand up against authoritarianism.

Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi, who reassumed his post last July, blasted the U.S. on the sideline of the National People’s Congress.

Wang Yi
Foreign minister
Biden reiterated that the U.S. does not seek to start a new Cold War, to change the Chinese system, to suppress China’s development or to decouple from China. The promises it made have not been truly fulfilled. It is constantly renewing its methods of suppressing China. The crimes it wants to add to our list have reached an unbelievable level. If the U.S. continues saying one thing and doing another, where will its credibility lie?

Wang also took aim at Taiwan.

Wang Yi
Chinese foreign minister
The elections in the Taiwan region are merely local elections within China. The results of the elections do not change the basic fact that Taiwan is part of China. If there are still people who condone and support Taiwan independence, they are challenging China’s sovereignty. If any country insists on maintaining official relations with the Taiwan region, that country is interfering in China’s internal affairs.

Kristo Enn Vaga
Estonian parliamentarian
Estonia and Taiwan have a similar issue. Every day we are being pressurized by an aggressive bigger neighbor who doesn’t believe in democracy, who doesn’t believe in the freedom of speech, and no other, actually, freedom in the world. And they will try by any means to abolish our democratic states. And this is a thing that the axis of evil of global authoritarian regimes, have put their backs together to fight democracy. But we have to put our backs together to stand for democracy.

The head of Estonia’s parliamentarian friendship group for Taiwan said that China and Russia were the axis of evil. He also praised Taiwan for standing up against oppression and extending a helping hand to Ukraine.

Chang Ming-yu
Political commentator
It reflects how we are on the front line against authoritarianism, especially since Estonia is near Ukraine and Ukraine is facing Russia’s war of aggression. Estonia also supports Ukraine’s commitment to defend democracy. It’s just like how Taiwan is defending its democracy in the face of China’s authoritarianism.

As China continues its “wolf warrior” diplomacy, it’s only widening the gulf between itself and democratic nations.

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