July 1 marks the anniversary of Hong Kong’s handover to China in 1997. To mark the 27th year since the handover, the DPP held a press conference. Party Spokesperson Justin Wu slammed Beijing, saying that its promises of preserving Hong Kong’s autonomy were all lies. Lawmaker Hung Sun-han meanwhile took aim at opposition party lawmakers, saying that those who believed China’s promises were either foolish or malicious. He reminded the public to not believe gestures of good will made by dictatorships.

The DPP marked the 27th anniversary of Hong Kong’s handover to China with a press conference. Party members said that China’s promises back then of “one country, two systems” and “50 years without change” were all lies.

Justin Wu
DPP spokesperson
We have seen Hong Kong’s freedom, democracy, human rights and relative judicial independence regress. The CCP’s unilateral declarations of “one country, two systems” and “50 years without change” now appear to be completely false. It’s all hypocrisy and lies.

Hung Sun-han
DPP lawmaker
It used to be that the CCP would try to cover up its lies. But there’s no pretending anymore. Article 23 gives the CCP tighter control over Hong Kong.

In recent years, China has asserted its sovereignty over Hong Kong. In 2014, it claimed to have “comprehensive jurisdiction” over Hong Kong. In 2020, it passed the Hong Kong national security law, and in 2021, it initiated electoral changes for Hong Kong’s Legislative Council and chief executive. Beijing’s actions show that China is systematically encroaching on Hong Kong’s autonomy even though just over half of the 50-year handover period has transpired. Earlier this month China announced a set of 22 new guidelines to punish Taiwan independence. They have been criticized by DPP spokesperson Justin Wu as a show of China’s intent to weaponize the law.

Justin Wu
DPP spokesperson
China’s announcement of its 22 measures to punish Taiwan independence is in line with its strategy for Hong Kong: weaponizing the law. China is trying to subject places with different systems to a “one country, two systems” framework, and reduce them to a “domestic affair.” That is China’s objective for Taiwan.

Hung Sun-han
DPP lawmaker
There are some people in Taiwan’s political parties who still believe the CCP, and I can’t tell if they’re foolish or malicious. We alone should be in charge of our fate and stop believing in gestures of goodwill from dictators.

The DPP urged the people of Taiwan to be wary of China’s tactics, to prevent a future in which the slogan “Today Hong Kong, tomorrow Taiwan” becomes reality.

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