Outgoing AIT Director Sandra Oudkirk has some parting advice. Speaking to the New York Times, she said that many Taiwanese had become desensitized to the Chinese threat. She said, “Avoid panic about China’s combative language and moves, but don’t grow numb to the risks.” The warning comes as details emerge about the U.S. military’s strategy for defending Taiwan.

President Lai Ching-te welcomed a high-level delegation from the Atlantic Council think tank on Tuesday. At their reception, he reiterated the importance of cooperation among democratic countries.

Lai Ching-te
Taiwan, the U.S., Latvia, and the Czech Republic all know the value of freedom and democracy, and they all face the challenges of authoritarianism. We understand deeply that democratic nations must join hands in cooperation, so as to safeguard global peace and stability. The administration that I lead will proactively pursue value-based diplomacy and deepen partnerships with democratic countries.

The world is watching the Taiwan Strait, which is considered a main geopolitical flashpoint. In a recent interview with the Washington Post, the U.S.’ top military commander in Asia gave details on “Hellscape,” America’s drone-based strategy against a Chinese attack on Taiwan. According to the report, the U.S. defense department has been buying and developing drone weapons under its Replicator Initiative. Dozens of projects are in progress, with the goal of building a powerful strike force that can buy time for the U.S. to come to Taiwan’s aid.

Kathleen Hicks (September 2023)
Deputy secretary of defense
We’ve set a big goal for replicator: to field attritable, autonomous systems at a scale of multiple thousands, in multiple domains within the next 18 to 24 months.

In a New York Times interview, outgoing AIT Director Sandra Oudkirk said that after decades of aggression from China, many Taiwanese people have become desensitized. Despite the escalation in Chinese military drills and airspace intrusions, there’s rarely public alarm. Oudkirk had some parting advice: “Avoid panic about China’s combative language and moves, but don’t grow numb to the risks.”

Wellington Koo
Defense minister
China is constantly attempting unilateral changes to the status quo through its “salami slicing” strategy. Avoid panic but don’t grow numb. We very much agree with this advice. We must stay calm and rational, and we must respond to incidents in the Taiwan Strait appropriately. We will not provoke, but we also call on China not to be a troublemaker.

China has never renounced the use of force against Taiwan. As the world grows concerned over Beijing, Taiwan must race to strengthen its defense capabilities.

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